All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and standard change log format .
Version Released (2022-Oct-15)
Version 2.5 Released (2020-Feb-21)
- Update and combine Change Log
2.5 Post Release:
To Do Before Beta 2.6 Release:
- Recode new todo’s. 3 items. (2020-Feb-20)
- Add debug log info for all try/catch code blocks. (2019-Dec-3)
Next Release – Version 2.6:
- Add command control to automatically generate the command line text for the current PhotoMove setting that are in effect.
- Test before doing a FIND, Move or Copy that the Source folder and ALL applicable Destination folders are valid. (2014-Nov-18)
- !Important. Add option to ignore any wording in folder name if first part exactly matches the structured date. (2014-Dec-2)
- The tab control is not visible until after a Find operation is done. Change this so that the Additional Options can be set before doing a Find.
- Add option to NOT create duplicates of duplicates. (2014-Dec-19)
- Look at GPS sorting. Allow user to set radius? (2014-Dec-300)
- Ask for feedback on Rediscovering Photography site. (2014-Dec-30)
- Add optional file renaming system? per Tim B. (2014-Dec-19)
- Make thumbnails, create local web page to show duplicates. (2014-Dec-10)
- Add option to move to same folder structure (not dated) and only remove duplicates? (2014-Dec-4)
- Add an option to ONLY find duplicates? (2014-Nov-19)
- Add option to move duplicates only? (2014-Dec-4)
- Add option to move duplicates only if in a standard exif formatted valid date file? (2014-Dec-4)
- Add option to ignore any wording in folder name if first part exactly matches the structured date. (2014-Dec-2)
- Consider processing the images files found in reverse order so we’re not walking back ‘up’ the source folder structure?
- Add an option to create links from photos in one set of folders to duplicates in a second set of folders. A special use where original folder structure with photos is by family, or name, or by event, etc. Second set of folders wanted by date. Could be used as a backup set. Need to flowchart/mindmap this out. (2014-Nov-19)
- Add option to delete empty folders after a Move operation. (2014-Nov-16)
- Make a second table on the Summary Report specifically detailing what happened to duplicate files. (2014-Nov-15)
- Put thumbnail images on the Summary Report, at least in the case of duplicates. Perhaps make this an option. (2014-Nov-15)
- Finish the work on determining the actual ‘reconciliation’ output. What? How? Format? .csv? .html? To Cloud? To Dropbox? To RP? Server space? (2014-Nov-8)
- Add Unicode support? (2014-Nov-18)
- Send beta version to unicode testers. (2014-Dec-2)
- Additional reporting in .html, .csv and email formats? (2015-Feb-20)
- Change/fix report generation after ‘Find’ to show when ‘Show Summary Report’ button is clicked. (2014-Nov-15)
- Finished and tested Summary Reports section. (2014-Nov-19)
- Refactor folder and filename path handling to eliminate errors from bad path or file names. (2014-Nov-18)
- Add Expanded Duplicate checking to PhotoMove program code for files with no valid exif date photo created. (2014-Nov-15)
- Update/modify command line help pages on Rediscovering Photography. (2014-Nov-8)
- Fill out at least the minimum information needed on Rediscovering Photography site help pages for each new feature or function added or changed. (2014-Dec-2)
- Add code for duplicate functions and reconciliation to command line section so these new options can be used from the command line. (2014-Nov-9)
- Private label? Branding (2014-Dec-10)
- Add P/Z logo… (2014-Dec-10)
- Delete X (clear folders) Button before releasing beta to the public. (2014-Dec-4)
- Add option to test and count strict duplicates on Find only? (2014-Dec-4)
- Change Checkbox for ByteByByte comparison to radio buttons for File Name Compare/File Contents Compare. (2014-Dec-4)
- Make sure the latest copy of exiftool is included in this build. (2014-Nov-19)
- Add code to handle files with non-valid exif dates. (2014-Nov-14)
- Add check for Mfr and Model to non-valid dated Exif Files. (2014-Dec-2)
- Verify that the Check All and Uncheck all command buttons work properly for extension and model checkbox lists. (2014-Dec-2)
- Add Cancel button to stop Copy or Move. (2014-Dec-4)
- Add help pages for new options to RP site. (2014-Nov-8)
- Research validity of checking file size. Is the camera model stored as a fixed length field in the Exif? (2014-Nov-8)
- Add current version number to Title Bar in Program Window. (2014-Nov-15)
- When MOVING Files, If an EXACT DUPLICATE (filename and contents) already exists in the Destination Folder (2014-Nov-17)
- If an EXACT DUPLICATE (filename and contents) already exists in the DUPLICATES Folder
- Now handled by user being able to choose which option they want. (2014-Dec-2)
- If an EXACT DUPLICATE (filename and contents) already exists in the DUPLICATES Folder
- When COPYING Files, If an EXACT DUPLICATE (filename and contents) already exists in the Destination Folder (2014-Nov-17)
- If an EXACT DUPLICATE (filename and contents) already exists in the DUPLICATES Folder
- Now handled by user being able to choose which option they want. (2014-Dec-2)
- If an EXACT DUPLICATE (filename and contents) already exists in the DUPLICATES Folder
- Fix slow summary generation. (2014-Nov-29)
- Add help buttons and/or controls to PhotoMove screen to explain options. Link to help pages on Rediscovering Photography. (2014-Nov-8)
- Add code to do summary of extensions and camera model lists and counts. (2014-Nov-15)
- Add csv output so results can be loaded into a SpreadSheet. (2014-Nov-15)
- Add a cancel button while copy or move is in process. (2014-Nov-20)
- Disable comp and move buttons if Cancel is clicked during a find operation. (2014-Nov-20)
- Add persistent storage to the 3 new check boxes. (2014-Nov-13)
- Set up beta version download section for Zoe/Paul and any other beta testers so they can start testing the program. (2014-Nov-8)
- Refactor output report code again. (2014-Nov-14)
- Finished changing program code to match latest flowchart for collision testing. (2014-Nov-15)
- Initial beta Summary report added. Needs feedback from users. (2014-Nov-14)
- Add code and hooks to the PhotoMove program so that the user interface has the needed controls and checkboxes. (2014-Nov-9)
- Start bare bones Reconciliation Report flowchart. (2014-Nov-9)
- Change flowchart to match Paul’s spreadsheet. (2014-Nov-8)
- Update flowchart to include all PhotoMove duplicate option cases. (2014-Nov-8)
- Duplicate Testing Flowchart completed. (2014-Nov-9)
- Exactly what kind of reconciliation reports are wanted? (2014-Dec-8)
- Explain addition of ‘No Duplicates of Duplicates’ option. (2014-Dec-8)
- Delete all code stops. (2014-Nov-18)
Current Screen Shots – Last Modified: Nov-7-2014
Duplicate Testing Flowchart – Last Modified: 2014-Nov-9
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