We love to take photos. And some of our photos turn out to be very good. We experience the pleasant feeling of seeing one of our shots turn out well. Maybe, we think, exceptionally well. A moment of delight. Satisfaction. Sometimes even wonder. There is a smile on our face. We want to share our… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Digital Photograpy Tips
Photography: Sometimes less is more
Cameras are literally everywhere at the moment. If we don’t own a digital camera, we have one on hand built into our phone. And the amount of pictures we can take has changed too. We can buy memory cards with several gig of memory that allow us to take thousands of photos, should we be… Read more »
Interior Photography
Taking ‘professional’ quality photos of room interiors has gotten much easier since the advent of digital photography. One of the nice things about using online photography resources is the amount of information that is available to help you learn about taking good digital pictures. In days of old, you assumed that to get good interior… Read more »
Tips For Taking Digital Pictures
There is an old story about a young newcomer to New York City who stopped a stranger on the street and asked ‘Can you tell me how to get to Carnegie Hall’?. The stranger thought for a moment and then replied, ‘Practice Son, Practice’. The same is true with your camera. You can take better… Read more »
Five steps for taking great photos…
Finally! This is the time of year that the weather will finally begin breaking here in central Minnesota. The urge to get out with the camera is becoming too strong to ignore. I started to look through some of my past year’s photos to see where I’d been and what I’d shot, and suddenly came… Read more »